Baccarat is an app people can use to learn to deal the casino game of Baccarat. It puts you in the dealer position to choose which side, Banker or Player, takes a card and which side wins the hand.
Google Play: LINK
Android Apps for Gamblers
Baccarat is an app people can use to learn to deal the casino game of Baccarat. It puts you in the dealer position to choose which side, Banker or Player, takes a card and which side wins the hand.
Google Play: LINK
PropBox has been updated to version 6.0!
This version includes:
-Complete App Rewrite.
-Material Design
-Navigation Drawer
-New Graphics
Please Rate and Leave Feedback.
Enjoy and Good Luck.
Google Play: LINK
Tipbox has now been updated to version 5.0.1
-Material Design!
-You can now change the default Preset Tip %’s.
-Bug Fixes.
Google Play: LINK
Tipbox has now been updated to version 5.0
-Material Design!
-You can now change the default Preset Tip %’s.
Google Play: LINK
TipBox has now been updated to version 4.1
-A Slider has been added for more Tip % Options.
-The beta save feature has been removed for now.
Google Play: LINK
PropBox has been updated to version 5.4!
This version includes:
-Improved Start Screen For More Phone Sizes
Google Play: LINK